Create Custom Sets

Use custom sets to filter Visualizer reports or dashboards. You can also use a custom set as an additional column in a Visualizer report.

Important: Custom sets do not function if you move them to another report catalog folder.

Create a Custom Set for a New Report

  1. Create a new report for which you want to use a custom set.

    Note: You must use a tabular report to create a custom set. Custom sets can be saved to a custom subject area or your default subject area. If you save a custom set to a custom subject area, it is no longer available for use in the default subject area. Custom sets can also be applied as filters on a dashboard.
  2. Create Advanced Filters.

  3. Select the dashlets to which you want to apply the custom set filter.

    The filter card (applied custom set) displays on the dashboard.

Custom Expressions in Custom Sets

Report-level expressions (custom expressions) are handled as post-aggregation (logical layer) calculations in Visualizer reports unless the same report is used as a custom set within a Visualizer report. Custom sets that use custom expressions and are used in another Visualizer report are treated as pre-aggregation-level calculations that run at the database level like custom measures.

Example: Two Visualizer reports that use pre-aggregation and post-aggregation calculations are on a dashboard for comparison. One report uses the Custom Measure Sales, which is calculated at the database level (pre-aggregation). The other report uses Revenue created by an expression in the Visualizer BQLClosed Business Query Language editor using the following formula: (Quantity * Average unit price). Sales is calculated by multiplying every quantity by its actual price at the time of sale, and Revenue uses the average unit price and multiplying by the total aggregated quantity.

Pushdown and Custom Sets

Visualizer pushdown lets you use pushdown (pre-aggregation calculations) at the Visualizer report level. By default, custom sets automatically enable this feature and prevent users from turning it off when used as a custom set.